Bumblebee platforms allows customers to use the platform as a database to store customer contact information through Contacts feature.
The type of contacts are general, business, billing, support, technical, etc.
Contacts can be created by the account (root account) owner, account IAM users and Entity IAM users.
When a Contact is assigned to an Entity, it implies who, on the Entity side, to reach out for business, billing or support. This provides the account users a convenient way to keep track of its customers contact information.
Create Contact
To create Contact and assign to an Entity, follow the steps below:
Login to the Bumblebee portal
On the left navigation menu, click Contacts
Click Add Contact
For Contact Type information, select one type. (Later you can multi select types)
For Entity Name, select in the drop down menu
Assign Entity
During creating a contact, you are allowed to select one contact type, but often times a single contact serve multiple purposes. To achieve that, you can edit the contact information by following the steps below:
Login to the Bumblebee portal
On the left navigation menu, click Contacts
Select one contact, click Actions
Click Assign Entity
The Contact Types field can be multi select
Select one entity name